English translation for "hydrophobic groups"
- 疏水基团
Related Translations:
hydrophobic: 不吸水的不易被水沾湿的确是的,狂犬病的确是的,恐水病的确是的,患恐水病的确是的疏水的疏水性的吸水物厌水的厌水物憎水的憎水性的
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Molecules with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups are called amphipathic or amphiphilic . 分子兼有亲水的和疏水的两个基团,叫做两性的或两亲的。 | | 2. | Its molecular structure shows that it acts long carbochain as hydrophobic group and serves carboxyl and hydroxyl group as hydrophilic grouping 其分子结构特征为:以长碳链烃基为憎水基, ? coom为亲水基团。 |
- Similar Words:
- "hydrophobic forces" English translation, "hydrophobic galss beads" English translation, "hydrophobic gas electrode" English translation, "hydrophobic gel" English translation, "hydrophobic group" English translation, "hydrophobic hydration" English translation, "hydrophobic interaction" English translation, "hydrophobic interaction chromatography" English translation, "hydrophobic labeling" English translation, "hydrophobic medium" English translation